Case law

Myria follows cases that shed light on human trafficking. It analyzes the plaintiff’s judiciary file along with files from shelters and other organizations. Court proceedings from the victim’s file are analyzed in depth: the victim’s account along with the criminal system in which they have been tried is scrutinized.

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Great attention is given to the initial court proceedings, which indicate in real terms on what basis the case was introduced, and whether the victims had been found and interfered with at this point. The file includes the court proceedings of hearings with victims, testimonies from suspects and witnesses, folders with transcriptions of telephone bugging, reports of sightings, and reports of letters rogatory.

Studying case files is a cornerstone in policy evaluation. It informs our understanding of research policy implementation and on-the-job prosecution as well as helping us deal with the more sensitive issues. Together  these findings are a source of important information for the annual report and form a solid base for drawing up guidelines on good practice in the field.