
21 July 2014

> Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 16 May 2004 on combatting human trafficking and smuggling.

24 June 2013

> Act suppressing the exploitation of begging and prostitution, human trafficking, and smuggling according to the number of victims.

29 April 2013

> Act amending article 433i of the Penal Code outlining the particularly vulnerable situation of slumlord victims.

29 April 2013

> Law seeking to amend article 433d of the Penal Code to clarify and expand the definition of human trafficking.

5 April 2011

> European Parliament and Board Directive 2011/36/EU of 5 April 2011 on the prevention and combat of human trafficking in addition to the protection of its victims, replacing the Council Framework Decision 2002/629/JAI.

26 September 2008

> Report on the implementation of a multi-disciplinary collaboration on victims of human trafficking and/or severe cases of human smuggling.

27 April 2007

> Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 8 October 1981 on access to territory, stay, permanent residence, and deportation of foreigners.

15 September 2006

> Act of 15 September 2006 amending the Act of 15 December 1980 on access to territory, stay, permanent residence, and deportation of foreigners.

10 August 2005

> Act of 10 August 2005 amending various clauses to further combat human trafficking, human smuggling, and slumlord practices.

> New third chapter of the Penal Code, included in Book II, under Title VIII : on human trafficking : articles 433d to 433h.

17 November 2005

> Convention adopted in Warsaw on 16 May 2005, signed by Belgium on 17 November 2005. It was fully enacted in Belgium on 1 August 2009.

16 May 2004

> Royal Decree of 16 May 2004 on combatting human trafficking and smuggling.

29 April 2004

> Board Directive 2004/81/CE of 29 April 2004 regarding residence permits granted to third country nationals who are victims of human trafficking or who have been involved in illegal immigration and are willing to cooperate with the authorities.

28 November 2002

> Board Directive 2002/90/CE of 28 November 2002 defining the facilitation of unauthorized entry, transit and residence.

> Council Framework Decision of 28 November 2002 seeking to reinforce the criminal law suppressing the facilitation of unauthorized entry, transit, and residence. (Acts adopted under Title VI of the European Union Treaty)

19 July 2002

> Council Framework Decision of 19 July 2002 on combatting human trafficking. (Acts adopted under Title VI of the European Union Treaty)

15 November 2000

Supplementary protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea, and air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. Adopted in New York on 15 November 2000. This protocol was enacted on 28 January 2004. (10 September 2004 in Belgium)

Supplementary agreement to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime seeking to prevent, suppress, and punish trafficking in persons, particularly women and children: adopted in New York on 15 November 2000. This agreement was enacted on 25 December 2003. (10 September 2004 in Belgium)

13 January 1997

13 January 1997 Guidelines for the Immigration Office, Prosecution, Police Service, Social Laws Inspection Services, and Social Inspection of Aid to Victims of Human Trafficking and Smuggling. (MB, 21-02-1997- articles 8, 2nd & 3rd and 10 amended on  17 April 2003 (MB, 27-05-2003)) The licensing system for granting residence permits to victims of human trafficking has now been incorporated into articles 61/2 to 61/5 in the Act of 15 December 1980 on access to territory, stay, permanent residence, and deportation of foreigners. It should be noted that this directive was repealed by the 26 September 2008 report.

16 June 1995

Royal Decree of 16 June 1995 supporting the execution of article 11, paragraph 5, of the Act of 13 April 1995, seeking to suppress human trafficking and child pornography. (MB, 14 July 1995, amended by l’A.R. on 16 May 2004, MB, 28 May 2004)

13 April 1995

Act of 13 April 1995 seeking to suppress human trafficking and smuggling. (MB, 25 April 1995, err. MB, 17 June 1995, err. MB, 6 July 1995, Final amendment: Act of 10 August 2005, MB , 2 September 2005)

7 July 1994

7 July 1994 report on granting residency permits and work permits to foreign victims of human trafficking. (MB, 7 July 1994) The licensing system for granting residence permits to victims of human trafficking has now been incorporated into articles 61/2 to 61/5 in the Act of 15 December 1980 on access to territory, stay, permanent residence, and deportation of foreigners. It should be noted that this directive was repealed by the report of 26 September 2008.

15 December 1980

Articles 77 and 77a of the Act of 15 December 1980 access to territory, stay, permanent residence, and deportation of foreigners. Final amendment : Act of 10 August 2005. (MB, 2 September 2005)