Complaints about our services?

Myria wants to ensure a good service to any person or organization that has contact with Myria. It is also possible to submit a complaint. The complaint must involve the operation of Myria or the quality of its services. We examine all complaints in order to improve our service.

Exemples of admissible complaints

  • You get no information or reaction from Myria on the handling of a case.
  • The information that you get from Myria (through its brochures, its website, etc.) is incomplete or unclear.
  • You are not satisfied with the accessibility of Myria (through the reception desk, by telephone, etc.).
  • You must wait too long for a reply from Myria.
  • You are not satisfied with the behavior of a Myria employee (during a telephone discussion, during a visit, etc.).
  • You are experiencing an accessibility problem with Myria's website ?

Exemples of inadmissible complaints

  • Anonymous complaints
  • Complaints without stated reason (you must describe your reason clearly)
  • Complaints about events that took place more than one year before submission of the complaint
  • Complaints about situations that do not fall under the jurisdiction of Myria
  • Complaints about situations for which administrative appeal procedures exist
  • Complaints about situations for which an appeal is pending with a judicial body (employment tribunals, the Council for Alien Litigation, the Council of State etc.)
  • Complaints about situations for which proceedings with the Federal Ombudsman have already been started
  • Complaints about a position of Myria on one of its three missions


Submitting a complaint to Myria does not suspend the period for submitting an appeal with the Council of State and with the judicial courts and tribunals.

How can you submit a complaint?

There are various ways to do this:

  • Fill in the contact form situated below.
  • Fill in the Word document or pdf of our complaint form (electronically or by hand), print the document out and send it to: Myria, Place Victor Horta 40, box 40, 1060 Brussels.

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within fifteen days.

If your complaint is admissible, it will be transferred to the appropriate department of Myria. They will investigate the complaint and give you a substantiated reply within thirty working days.

Are you still not satisfied?

Then you can submit a so-called second-line complaint to the federal Ombudsman in various ways.

Submit your complaint

If you want to submit a complaint about the operation of Myria or the quality of its services, use this form.

All files required

Myria has great respect for your personal information. We only use your information to contact you regarding your complaint. Do you have any complaints about the way in which Myria handles your data or do you want to have your data deleted or modified? You can find more information about the procedure to follow in our r privacy statement.