A multidisciplinary approach
In fighting human trafficking and smuggling, Belgium has opted for a multidisciplinary approach. The Interdepartmental Coordination Unit for the Fight against Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings manifests this approach. It brings together all the relevant actors and coordinates policy. The unit coordinates policy in the field at a national level. It is chaired by the Minister for Justice.
Liaison Judges
In each judicial district specialized judges are designated at lower court prosecutor and work auditor level as well as at public prosecutor and general auditor level (Courts of Appeal). These judges are responsible for managing and following studies on human trafficking and smuggling within their jurisdiction. They also act as a point of contact for other participants (other liaison judges, police, reception centres, Immigration Offices,...).
Federal Prosecutor Attourney
The prosecution’s responsibility extends to the whole country. One of the priorities assigned by the federal legislator is the fight against trafficking and smuggling of human beings, both at a national and international level. At a national level, the intervention of the federal attourney aims to facilitate the circulation and exchange of information between different prosecutors, magistrates, and police services concerned in cases of trafficking or smuggling. It can also centralize several records in a singular prosecutor or one sole magistrate. This aim is essential, given that human trafficking and smuggling are generally cross-border crimes.
College of Public Prosecutors
The College of Public Prosecutors ensures the coherent implementation and coordination of criminal policy determined by the directives of the Ministry of Justice. Specific tasks have been given to each of the five public prosecutors. Smuggling has thus been entrusted to the public prosecutor of Liege, who is assisted by a network, presided over by one of the public lawyers, that specializes in human trafficking and smuggling.
Criminal Policy Service
This service assists the Minister of Justice as well as the College of Public Prosecutors in developing criminal policy around the subject of human smuggling and trafficking. For this reason, the criminal policy service participates in the work of the Interdepartmental Coordination Unit. It also chairs the board of this unit and chairs the management committee of the Centre for Information on and the Analysis of Smuggling and Trafficking of Human Beings. The service is also tasked by the Minister of Justice draft the government report on this subject once every two years. The report collects the initiatives of the various ministerial departments implicated in the fight against trafficking and smuggling in human beings that have started up over the two years together in one document.
2023 Annual report trafficking and smuggling of human beings
Myria is publishing the English version of its 2023 evaluation report, entitled ‘A chain of responsibilities’. With a focus on human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, Myria is calling for more proactive checks and a thorough chain approach.
Human rights also apply to single men seeking asylum
8 human rights organisations condemn the decision to temporarily exclude single men from the right to reception within the framework of the asylum procedure.
2022 Annual report trafficking and smuggling of human beings
Myria, the independent national rapporteur on trafficking in human beings, is publishing its 2022 public and independent annual report in English entitled Bound by debt.
2021 Annual report trafficking and smuggling of human beings
Myria, the Federal Migration Centre and independent national rapporteur on trafficking in human beings, is publishing its 2021 public and independent annual report in English today: Visibly invisible. Aimed at the Government and Parliament, this report provides an impetus and offers support to the relevant stakeholders.
Moving to Belgium as an EU citizen
Myria presents the study 'Moving to Belgium as an EU citizen' to the general public. The study points out a number of shortcomings in the registration formalities of EU citizens in the municipality. It contains recommendations to guarantee the free movement of EU workers, self-employed persons and jobseekers and their families.
2020 Annual report trafficking and smuggling of human beings
In its annual report entitled Behind closed doors Myria hightlights the need to raise awareness on the exploitation of domestic workers, the special attention that needs to be paid to diplomatic domestic staff and the COVID-19 aspect.