UNHCR, The High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations, is entrusted with directing and coordinating international refugee protection as well as providing solutions to global refugee issues in cooperation with national authorities. Because of the essential role of family life for refugees due to their specific situation and in view of their successful integration, UNHCR has a direct interest and competence in monitoring of and advising on national family reunification procedures. 

Family reunification

Myria is an operational partner of UNHCR Belgium regarding the issue of family reunification of persons enjoying international protection in Belgium. In that context, Myria provides specialized legal and practical advice via its helpdesk. Myria follows up on individual cases of visa applications for family reunification and humanitarian visas for relatives of recognized refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, regularly including interventions with UNHCR or the relevant authorities. Individual files are always followed up in cooperation with first-line actors ("partners") supporting applications on a daily basis in the field. 

Family reunification helpdesk (target group refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection): astrid.declercq@myria.be , and by phone on Tuesday and Friday afternoon between 14h and 16h30 on +32 (0)2 212 30 87.

General helpdesk: myria@myria.be, and by phone on Monday and Thursday morning between 9h and 12:30 on 0800 14 912 (free number) or the general number +32 (0)2 212 30 00.


In addition, Myria serves as a platform giving a voice to these partners and as a mediator between the various actors involved. At least once a year, a meeting is organized with the relevant agencies (UNHCR, Immigration Office and Ministry of Foreign Affairs), as well as a meeting with the various partners. Myria is also permanently at UNHCR Belgium’s disposal for current information on this topic. Finally, Myria seeks to defend the family life of this target group by making policy recommendations vis-à-vis the relevant authorities.